Here is how we ended 2010 - and I promise to write an update for 2011 very soon!
Happy reading
Kunj x
Decembers festivities started with my work Xmas party. The venue was a boat on the Harbour and the theme was 'Under the Sea'! Some people went ALL out on their outfits, but I was one of the lazier ones that didn't bother...
It was a fun night which must have cost the company a bob or two!
This picture is officially my favourite pic of the night - it makes me giggle EVERY time I see it!!
As we said goodbye to mum and dad, we thought our next set of visitors were going to be Shams brother and the boys... but then we had some surprise visitors!
Hanisha is my cousin's cousin, but as kids we spent a lot of time at my aunty's together so it was really nice to spend some real time with her and her husband Amit as adults (although the term 'adults' is questionable when you consider how much we laughed that week!)
It was the well rehearsed routine of evenings playing tour guides - we managed to convince them to stay an extra night so that they were here for Friday drinks...
the evening ended with us being locked out of the house and Sham having to climb up onto our upstairs balcony (for once, I wasn't in trouble for leaving the balcony door unlocked!)
The gang had our Pre-Christmas lunch in a pub in Surry Hills. It was Xmas day as it should be...
except it was SOOOOO hot that a roast was optimistic! The star of the show was Baby Fraser!

The next week saw the arrival of Sham's brother and his friends Ashif and Brij (and later Amit who spent Christmas in New Zealand, then came to Sydney for New Years).
We had a nice day at Centennial Park with a picnic, bbq, a cricket set and a frisbee that ended up in a tree!
The rest of December was various semi touristy things with the boys - we did the going to work and then meeting them in the evenings which although tiring, was great fun. They went to Melbourne for 5 days on a road trip and then flew back to Sydney.
We had a few days where it was actually too hot to go out - so we stayed at home with the fan on and entertained ourselves the old school way - with board games! check out Brij's sunburn!
Christmas morning started with everyone opening the presents that had piled up under the tree.
We then spent the day on the beach at Curl Curl followed by a pizza BBQ at our place:

Between Xmas and New Years, Sham, Sali and Helen had a surf lesson at Manly.
Unsurprisingly, Sham was better at surfing on dry land! Honestly though, it looked really hard!!
I love that the point and shoot camera Sham bought me for my birthday also does HD videos. It came in useful while the guys were having the surf lesson!
For the purpose of this video, its important to remember that Sham is on a pink board and Hels is on the green one!
The last thing to do in December was to see 2011 in with a bang!
We got to a view point called Barangaroo around 5pm - plenty of time to have a few beers and get ourselves into place for what was the BEST fireworks ever!
Check out the "photographers"
Joking aside though, they got some great shots!

Had a Wicked Time. Oh memories.! Wanna come back...