Friday 16 October 2009

More visitors = more fun food!

The last week has brought us a few visitors- my oldest friend Natasha arrived with here mum, cousins and aunty last Friday. Her brother Neal has lived here for a couple of year so its about time some family came to visit!
It was really weird to see Tash and her mum here. It was really lovely spending time with her mum - she is officially our first grown up visitor! Seeing her did make me miss my muumy though - especially when she was teaching me helpful cooking hints!

Yeaterday morning, one of my best friends Heena arrived! Bless her for braving that LONG flight all by herself to come and see us! She is staying with us for 2 weeks and Sham is in charge of being her tour guide! We have a few things planned for her though so she is going to get a taste of the life we love here!!

After getting to see my friends, the second best thing about having them over to visit is that they have all come bearing LOTS of crisps and chocolates!! I am considering setting up a stall at the market one weekend - I reckon I can make a killing selling Wotsits and Wispas!!

Finally, a massive Happy Diwali to everyone at home for the weekend - and we both wish you all a very properous new year!


Tuesday 29 September 2009

A busy few weeks... in no particular order...

Apologies in advance for a long post that talks about lots and nothing all at the same time!!

Our new footie team!

A couple of weeks ago, we went to see a live football game. Sydney FC were playing North Queensland Fury (seriously, thats what they are called!). The significance of this game is that one Robbie Fowler (or God as Liverpool fans apparently call him...) now plays for The Fury. The game itself was a bit like watchng a not very good game of Sunday league football. The highlight was watching the die hard Liverpool fans (about 100 of them) going mad when Fowler scored. One guy actually ran onto the pitch and threw himself into the celebrations - he would have got fined about $5k, but I know a few Liverpool fans who would call that money well spent!

Dust storm
Our bedroom curtains don't quite meet in the middle. This is normally not something that bothers us, but last Wednesday I woke up to an orange glow... at first I thought that I was thinking "red sky at night sheppards delight...etc etc" but then I got about 3 texts from my friends one after the other along the lines of "is anyone else freaked out..." and "wait till you get outside and start to eat dust". When the original panic of whats happened etc died down, I put the TV on to see what was going on. I know you all heard about it on the news, but here is what it looked like for us!

This is the normal view from our bedroom

Thank you for the messages etc to check we were ok. It was funny because by the time the UK were waking up to the news, it was completely over for us - apart from the film of dust that was left behind on EVERY surface, you would never have known anything so spooky had happened less than 12 hours ago!

Kunj makes a killing at the races!
This Saturday was Ladies Day at the races here in Sydney. A few of the girls booked a day out and we had an absolute blast!

I, in particular, had a great day... I managed to turn $40 into about $250... although after a couple of bottles of wine, a curry and a cab home, I came home with $90 - not bad!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

I love it when a plan finally comes together!

As I write this, our life in Sydney is more certain than it ever has been!
This week, I started back at CMC Markets doing my old job... only this time, its more permanent as they have offered to sponsor me! We are trying not to get too excited as the government still has to grant me the visa, but this is closer than we have ever been!
We hope to lodge the application in the next month or so and then we will just have everything crossed...
Right, it's lunchtime!

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