I recently had a conversation with some Aussie friends about what Sham and I consider ourselves to be...
This made me think, well we are Indian Brits living in Oz, and both of our families came to England via East Africa!
Dictionary.com defines nomads as
no⋅mad /ˈnoʊmæd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [noh-mad] Show IPA –noun
1. a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
2. any wanderer; itinerant.
Ok, so our ancesters didn't move seasonally as far as I know, but since the 1930s, they have moved pretty much generationlly (I think I made that word up!). They didn't follow a tradional route as such, but they did follow a tried and tested route by following other members of the "tribe".
With that in mind, I sincerely hope that some of my family do follow in our footsteps - even if its just to visit!
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