Thursday, 3 September 2009

My bejeweled days are numbered!

Firstly, for those that subscribe to the blog, sorry for bombarding you with posts this week!

So - we have the hat trick for good news!
I had an interview for a contract marketing role this morning... I got there after nearly missing the ferry and being really hot and flustered, and managed to turn on the charm to the lovely lady that interviewed me (I can be such a suck up...!) and at the end of the interview, she just said when can you start!
I start on Tuesday and the contract is until the 27th of Nov. This means that from the second week of Oct it will be my turn to bring home the bacon while Sham gets dinner on the table every night!!

Right... I am off to buy a scratchcard to check if we have used up all our luck this week!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The nicest our flat has ever looked!

Our landlord has decided to sell the flat we are living in!
Its ok, we won't be homeless - they have to give us 60 days notice and we are coming home at the end of November anyway!
As I am home during the day, I got to be here when they staged the place for the pictures. It was funny cos they moved furniture, rearranged the kitchen and even moved pictures around!
Here is one of the pics they took...

If you are feeling nosey click here for a butchers of the listing!

Sunday, 30 August 2009


It's been a lucky few days for us!

On Sunday, we went to the local RSL club for dinner with Mark and Anita. An RSL club is on paper, like an old drinking mans pub - cheap booze, cheap food and pensioners... in reality, RSL clubs in Australia are great! There is cheap food (a roast dinner any day of the week for about £5), and cheap beer. There are also lots of old people. There are also lots of young families and couples. It is basically set up for gambling and major sporting events - lots of slot machines and big screens! I can't really describe it - you kinda have to see it to believe it.
Anyway, every weekend, they have a raffle. The prizes are the most random things... you can come away with a basket full of grocery shopping! Last time we went, Mark won a tray of meat that kept them well fed for a week!
This week was my lucky week! I won... wait for it... 2 casserole dishes!!The funniest thing was walking through the RSL club with this massive package! Obviously, I made Sham carry it!!

Our winning streak continued on Monday. ArsePool United (the name is the result of the boys being allowed to name the team during a drunken night out!)The boys, who managed to not win a single game last season, pulled off a miracle this season and won the league! Helen and I went to watch the last game (on the promise of drinks at the pub after!) It was actually quite good fun! The highlight was Chris' excitment and pride at winning - and so he should be - he did a great job as manager of this odd squad! (Marco, Naz and Paul missing!)


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