On Sunday, we went to the local RSL club for dinner with Mark and Anita. An RSL club is on paper, like an old drinking mans pub - cheap booze, cheap food and pensioners... in reality, RSL clubs in Australia are great! There is cheap food (a roast dinner any day of the week for about £5), and cheap beer. There are also lots of old people. There are also lots of young families and couples. It is basically set up for gambling and major sporting events - lots of slot machines and big screens! I can't really describe it - you kinda have to see it to believe it.
Anyway, every weekend, they have a raffle. The prizes are the most random things... you can come away with a basket full of grocery shopping! Last time we went, Mark won a tray of meat that kept them well fed for a week!
This week was my lucky week! I won... wait for it... 2 casserole dishes!!The funniest thing was walking through the RSL club with this massive package! Obviously, I made Sham carry it!!
Our winning streak continued on Monday. ArsePool United (the name is the result of the boys being allowed to name the team during a drunken night out!)The boys, who managed to not win a single game last season, pulled off a miracle this season and won the league! Helen and I went to watch the last game (on the promise of drinks at the pub after!) It was actually quite good fun! The highlight was Chris' excitment and pride at winning - and so he should be - he did a great job as manager of this odd squad! (Marco, Naz and Paul missing!)